This personal illustration series was originally going to be a stock illustration package for Astrologers. Eventually it will, but, as I kept improving on the theme, my second idea was to make art prints. But, art prints can be hard to sell. In the back of my mind, I kept thinking of how much I want to have my illustrations on t-shirts. But, most of my illustrations are not simple and graphic enough to go on T-Shirts. I got a recommendation from Andy J. Pizza, on his Podcast, “Creative Pep Talk”, about Cotton Bureau. I’ve been skeptical of print on demand t-shirt companies and how little the large t-shirt websites payout to the designer. In contrast, I was attracted to the small business Cotton Bureau because they curate their designers only accepting 10% of submissions, so the quality is high. And, they paid a higher percentage than the larger print on demand websites. So, the first physical space these illustrations will occupy, is on people’s chests!
Go to my Cotton Bureau Shop to buy.